IF: Reverse. Better Late Than Never I Suppose..

Missed it by THAT much… I didn’t get this in on time for IF: Reverse. Poo!

A sassy little bun with a cute car.

I was working on this illustration on and off all week.. It’s hard to finish with no computer at home. I was going for the abstract, Less-is-more approach.. but it still feels like its missing a LOT. But I figured I’d post it anyway so i can get started on next weeks theme- Sweater.

IF: Chicken x2

This is my second IF of this week. My first post took the theme as literally as possible. So for this one, I decided to think outside the chicken-shaped box and do a cute couple of chicken/ egg farmers.

A girl named Suzie and a boy named Sue. (that’s the extent of my J. Cash tribute skills)

Hope you like them. I was going to watch tv while drawing them, but my sister was watching the Jersey Shore. Therefore, I stuck to my room and a CD. I highly HIGHLY recommend the XX’s self tiled album as either background music, or driving music. It is truly amazing. :)

IF: Chicken

This is Chet the Chicken. He’s my first IF of this year! I know.. I’m falling behind..

I let Ian pick his name. :) I took the theme this week very literally. I drew Chet while watching “Undercover Boss” with Ian and his dad. I like to draw while watching tv.

Chet’s design was further inspired by the many plush floating around in my brain (inspired by this Amigurumi Pattern).. very square.. and simple. Since I’ve not enough patience to crochet more than a hat & potholder, I decided to adapt them to fabric patterns, and give my own spin on them. Brightly colored fleece would be ideal. Fleece is soft and easy to work with and very forgiving. I have plans for a dog, cat, bear, skunk, chipmunk, frog, lion, bunny, robot, monster, elephant.. and more!

IF: Beneath

Fox awoke in the middle of the night to scary noises coming from beneath her. They were very loud, grumbly noises!

After checking it out, she was very relieved that it was only her best friend Bear! The last time she woke him up, he was very mad.

So she decided it’d be better to let him sleep!

& My sketches. :)

IF: Acrobat (Better late then never!)

This one was really fun to do that i almost ran out of time. To be fair, I started late.. but just finished in time on Friday! :) Hopefully it goes in before they change the theme!

Take Care! :)

Any comments or tips are always appreciated!

IF: Star Gazing

My submission for this weeks Illustration Friday.

Do you remember when you thought every star was the big dipper? :) i do.

And my sketch:

I switched her telescope to the other hand. More natural. As you can see, she was originally going to be standing… but i decided I’d much rather be laying in the grass. :)