Plush Buzzard! and Thrifty Finds

So as my last post stated, I was commissioned to make a stuffed Buzzard for a friend of a friend. Here’s how it came out!

Concept drawing by yours truly. :)

Ian and I took a trip to the local thrift store the other day, here is my loot!

I am wearing this tie today as a headband, and I have better plans for it eventually.

Aren’t these coasters super sweet?? They are for my future craft room.

And last but not least, I had bought the same egg beater from a garage sale while on vacation in MA, but mine was so rusted it probably isn’t safe to touch food. Therefore, i got a new one to actually use.. and maybe I’ll hang the old up in my craft room with all my other antiques. :)

Keep an Eye out for some cool finds. :) I was mainly hunting for fabric and came home with those items a big storage container. I think I’m addicted to storage, but I barely have any! We’ll see what happens when I actually get my craft room. :)

A few more Square Pillowy Plush

Some more of the little guys that i plan to create out of fleece and hope and fun. I’m excited to start! i gotta make a list of colors to buy and how much… then the fun begins… it’s hard to renovate a house and and make ANYTHING at the same time! :)

Haha You can’t see skunk’s eyes.. they’re there! I promise! Oh, and that first brown thing.. that’s a chipmunk.. yeah, i know, I should’ve looked at animal references… close enough!

I think am in love with the tiger and bunny.

So a Whale, a Dino and an Elephant walk into a bar…

They had a few pints, shared a few tales and after a few hours, decided to call it a night.

Whale belongs to Ian, so he stayed at work (workaholic, he’s a better worker when he’s a got a few beers in him), while the rest went home to meet up with Dino’s sister, Dina. She made them some soup, sandwiches and ice cream sundaes!

They all get along pretty well. It was a very tiring night! They soon got washed up for bed, read a few pages of the classics.. and went to sleep at a reasonable hour.

The End. :)


I’ve been working on these critters for quite a while. Made with fluffy warm fleece, some felt and embroidery thread. They are finally complete! I also now have my official plush tags! (can you see them on the photos?? I feel more professional now. hehe) The front says A Very Good Coat Rack, and the back says “designed & handmade by: Dara Grieco”, and my etsy web address. :)

These Plushy animals will be posted onto etsy (along with my jewelry) as soon as I take better & more creative pictures of them! :) Keep watching my store and add it to your etsy favorites, maybe?